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75-79 EUROPEAN Alfetta parts manual by Alfa Romeo incl GTV 2000 GT 1.6 1.8 2.0 (76_EU_Fetta_Prt)
$129.95 |
91 Spider Mechanical Parts Manual by Alfa Romeo also covers 92-94 & Graduate & Quattrofoglio (91_Spi_Mech_Par)
$79.95 |
1963 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato red with black interior 1:18 model in red by Autoart (65_A70198)
$169.95 |
101 technical characteristics manual by Alfa Romeo for Giulietta (625_ARTechChar1)
$69.95 |
62-67 Original Alfa 2600 Sedan, Spider and Sprint Technical characteristics and principal inspection specifications (64_5_2600_Tech)
$199.95 |
Weber Carburetors, Vol.1: Theory by John Passini. 60 pages. Guide to the theory, tuning and maintenance. As used on Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Porsche and others. (68_PassiniWeber)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Shop Manual for Giulia & 1750 GTV covering Wheel Suspension & Front End Geometry (69_Alfasusp)
$39.95 |
Weber Carburetors, Passini. Guide to the theory, tuning and maintenance. As used on Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Porsche and others. (70_PassiniWeber)
$29.95 |
72-77 Alfasud Workshop Manual, Alfa Romeo publication (73_5_SudShop)
$44.95 |
72-77 Alfasud Workshop Manual, by Autobooks. Covers all models including Ti. 129 pg (74_5_Sud_Work)
$34.95 |
Alfetta Engine Workshop Manual by Alfa Romeo (77_AlfetEngin)
$34.95 |
81-86 GTV6 Transaxle Service Manual by Alfa-Romeo (83_8138)
$39.95 |
81-86 GTV6 Shop Manual USA 50 State 2.5 V6 engine fuel ignition starting charging cooling systems by Alfa Romeo (84_ALFAGTV62_5S)
$49.95 |
84-89 Alfa Romeo Maintenance Handbook Spider GTV6 & Milano (86_ALFAMaintHB)
$69.95 |
85-89 Spider Shop Service Repair Manual 590 pages by Alfa Romeo includes Graduate Quadrifoglio (87_AR98589SRA)
$99.95 |
145 & 146 Gearbox Overhaul Manual by Alfa Romeo publ 1994 (95_145_146_Gear)
$54.95 |
156 Shop Service Repair Manual by Alfa Romeo cover Front Axle, Brakes, Steering, Auxiliary Units, Electrical Equipment, Body, Clutch, Maintenance, Diagnosis & Gearbox Units (97_Alfa156Svc)
$399.95 |
Duetto 1600 Spider Owners Manual by Alfa Romeo (67_ALF160SPRSPD - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Junior Z Zagato by Patrick Dasse Hardcover 192 pages with over 150 photographs (73_JuniorZ)
$68.95 |
72-77 Alfasud Ti Instruction Book Owners Manual 44 pg by Alfa Romeo (74_5_SudTIOM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
71-76 Road & Track on Alfa Romeo, 92 pgs of articles compiled by Brooklands (74_A_ARRT71)
$23.95 |
84-89 Spider Owners manual by Alfa Romeo includes Graduate & Quadrofoglio (89_ALFASPIDOMAN - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
Alfa 156 Owners Manual by Alfa Romeo (99_156_OM - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
Spider Veloce 2000 Sales brochure by Alfa Romeo on Art Paper: 25 pages 'Before you drive the Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce 2000' (79_sales_Before)
$17.95 |
66-72 Performance Parts Options Catalog by Alfa Romeo with part numbers for all high performace & racing optional parts manual applicable to 1600 1750 & 2000 Spider GTV Duetto & GTA 40 pages (69_AR96572QQA)
$39.95 |
62-68 Alfa Romeo 2600 Technical Characteristics & Principal Inspection Specifications (65_2600_Tech)
$29.95 |
62-68 2600 Manual, shop manual Spider Coupe & Sedan Engine & Transmission Manual for 106 series by Alfa Romeo (65_ALFA2600S)
$56.95 |
Alfa Romeo 1750 Veloce Berlina & Spider GTV Owners Manual Hand Book 1971 (68_ALFA175SPVIN)
$37.95 |
73-79 Alfa Romeo Alfetta & GTV Coupe Owners Workshop Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (76_959)
$39.95 |
Style Auto #36 featuring Alfetta GT & Alfasud as well as Saab, Bitter CD, & Corvette (76_StyleAuto36)
$39.95 |
1981 GTV6 Inspections Specification Manual by Alfa Romeo GTV 6 V6 GTV-6 (81_GTV6_Spec)
$59.95 |
Inspection Specifications for 2.5 GTV6 by Alfa Romeo (82_GTV6Inspec)
$19.95 |
GTV6 Inspections Specification Manual by Alfa Romeo GTV 6 V6 GTV-6 (82_GTV6_Spec)
$59.95 |
ALFA ROMEO 75 Catalytic Convertor Supplement (89_ALFR75CATSUP)
$42.95 |
155 Shop Service Repair Manual by Alfa Romeo covers: clutch diff steering suspension brakes Mechanical Units & Body (92_155_Svc)
$89.95 |
34-40 Alfa Romeo 184 pages about 1934-1940 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands (26_19967)
$34.95 |
Le Alfa Romeo Giulietta Che Hanno Partecipato Alla Targa Florio Ed Al Giro Di Sicilia IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE 439pg many period photos with Vehicle ID Numbers by Gino Giugno (60_Giul_Targa)
$149.95 |
Giulietta Sprint Veloce Zagato history of the Zagato bodied specials by Zagato with English AND Italian text by Gino Giugno (60_Giul_Zagato)
$299.95 |
62-68 Alfa 2600 Portfolio by Unique for Spider Coupe & Berlina Sedan (65_ALF2600_Port)
$39.95 |
64-70 Road & Track on Alfa Romeo, 92 pages of articles compiled by Brooklands (67_A_ARRT64)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Montreal Essential Companion 320 pages hardcover by Bruce Taylor (70_146516)
$1,299.95 |
72-79 owners manual by Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Veloce European model (74Alfa2000spins - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
Alfa Romeo Montreal by Patrick Dasse Hardcover 264 pages with over 200 photographs (74_Montreal)
$79.95 |
80-86 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6 portfolio of articles 100 pages compiled by Brooklands (83_A_AR80)
$49.95 |
Alfa Romeo 75 Milano by L. Ardizio 120pg history in ITALIAN (889788879115407)
$59.95 |
62-68 Alfa Romeo 2600 Mechanical parts manual (62_2600_part)
$99.95 |
74 2000 Berlina Parts Catalog Manual USA model by Alfa Romeo (74_2kBlnaPart)
$59.95 |
GTV6 Body Parts Manual by Alfa Romeo (83_GTV6_BodPart)
$69.95 |
GTV6 Mechanical Parts Manual by Alfa Romeo (85_GTV6_Part)
$229.95 |
62-66 Giulia Spider Veloce Technical Characteristics & Principal Inspection Specifications by Alfa Romeo (64_Spider_Tech)
$69.95 |